Saturday, May 8, 2010

10 Job Sites for Writers
As a former newspaper professional, I've been using this Web site for years. Of course newspaper jobs are quite scarce nowadays what with new technology and the depressing economy, but isn't only for newspaper jobs. You can also find jobs for online media, non-profits, TV, radio, and much more. Plenty of professional writing, editing and desktop publishing jobs can be found here. Most jobs listed here are in the United States, but there are sometimes listing for other countries.

The Write Jobs
This site tends to focus on media publishing employment, but it also has links to technical and medical writing jobs. This site also has links to other resources for writers, including advice from professionals. The Write Jobs is part of a network that also includes The Write News, a news site about writing, and Writers Write, a "one-stop resource about books, writing and publishing," according to the Web site.

Online Writing Jobs
Online Writing Jobshas thousands of jobs to search through, mostly for the freelance writer. Here you can find everything from ghostwriting gigs, to book writing, editing, copywriting, blogging, journalism and loads more. A number of the search links will take you to craigslist postings, but that's okay since you're getting a one-stop site for searching those craigslist writing jobs.
Want to get paid to blog? If so, this place can help you along your path. Not only are blogging jobs listed, but there are also advertising jobs, design jobs, and others to search from. You can even list yourself under the "Bloggers for Hire" section, or just catch up on some of the latest news concerning professional bloggers.

Media Bistro
As the new infers, this site has a little bit of everything for the writer, including jobs searches. Catch up on the latest media news, find out about conferences, connect with other professionals, or, of course, do a job search. You'll find plenty of journalism jobs listed here, but also jobs at universities, advertising agencies and other places. Really, Media Bistro has so much to offer, it's more than just an employment search engine.

Folio is a magazine for, well, it's for the magazine industry. If you want to find employment at a magazine, this is a good place to start. But there's also plenty of other interesting things on this site, such as magazine industry news, events, Webinars, and so much more I could keep going on for a long time. Your best bet is to check out this place.
Maybe you are looking for work in the book publishing industry. This is the site for that. Most of the job listings are for the United States, but you will find some for India, Britain and other countries. Spend some time looking over these job listings, because it can open your eyes to all the different possibilities for employment within the book publishing world.

Speaking of the world, here's a site for those not in the U.S. This is a media news site for those in Great Britain. Plenty of newspaper jobs are listed here, but you can also search employment for radio, TV and magazines. You can also read articles, or join a discussion to voice your opinion or just to have a nice chat.

This site is sort of a search engine for publishing jobs. You can use the search tool to find jobs listed in local media from all kinds of cities. I've had hit-and-miss success with using this site, but I'm not overly familiar with it, yet. One good thing about this site is it doesn't stick with just part of the publishing industry, but includes book publishers, online, newspapers and more.

The Freelance Writing Jobs Network
Another place on the Web that's more than just a place for looking for work. Of course you can look for jobs here, mostly freelance writing gigs, though there are some regular, full-time jobs. But there's so much more to do here, too. Catch up on writing news. Be a little social and leave some comments. Read some helpful articles. All this to enjoy in one place on the Internet.

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